PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. All users of this site agree that access to and use of this site are subject to the following terms and conditions and other applicable law. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site.
Minimum International order is $25.00 USD
All products sold by W. C. Wolff Company are covered by the export controls of the Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) of the U.S. Commerce Department. These apply to all shipments of our products to a purchaser, consignee, or end user outside or inside the United States. Purchaser agrees to fully comply with U.S. law and regulations, including BIS Export controls and the Treasury Department’s rules banning transactions with embargoed and restricted countries and with those persons and entities designated as Prohibited Parties. No product sold by W. C. Wolff Company can be sold, exported, or transshipped to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia (including occupied Crimea), Belarus or the military of the Peoples’ Republic of China. Purchaser’s failure to comply with the requirements will result in the termination of any further sales to it by W. C. Wolff Company and a report of the transaction to BIS or other appropriate agencies.
W. C. Wolff Company reserves the right to cancel any order or terminate sales to you if we feel the purchase is in violation of the law or in any way inappropriate.
All shipping documents will declare the actual contents of your shipment as "springs for use in firearms". They will be declared at the actual amount in US Dollars that you have paid for the items. We will not declare items in your order in any other way or misrepresent their value. Please see below for international order dollar value limits.
General International Shipping Information
- Minimum International Order is $25.00 USD.
- We cannot ship more than $100 (USD) in merchandise to any country (except Canada) without and export license.
- We cannot ship more than $500 (USD) in merchandise to Canada without an export license.
- Above amounts are for merchandise only and do not include shipping costs.
- If your merchandise exceeds the above amounts, we will need to apply for an export license for your order. This takes approximately 3 weeks for processing. This dollar limit it set by ITAR and is not a limitation set by W. C. Wolff Company. To apply for an export license we will need the following:
- Your Purchase Order (this would be your internet order or mail order form).
- An import license allowing you to receive the goods OR a statement indicating that an import license is not required in your country - you should include the applicable law of your jurisdiction for this.
- A letter of intent indicating that you will not re-export the merchandise and that your are the end user. All documentation must be in English.
- Payment must be in U.S. Funds. Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted. Discover card can only be used for mail, phone orders and fax orders. COD shipping is not available on International orders. Bank drafts and international money orders also accepted. Wire transfers accepted at additional charge.
- Actual international shipping charges may be different from those published on our website. International shipping charges will be billed at the actual cost at the time of shipping. We will contact you in advance if the difference is significant.
- All International order have a $3.00 handling fee for export documentation and makeup.
- International orders are usually shipped via the lowest cost method which is 1st Class Mail International (FCMI). The weight limit for FCMI to most countries is 4 pounds. This is generally the least expensive way to ship. Insurance is not available using FCMI.
- Federal Express and United Parcel Service will not accept our products for international delivery.
- When paying by credit card, no additional fees are charged for using your credit card. We do not charge your credit card until shipment is actually made. In some cases, you may be billed separately for shipping and handling charges. We always try to ship the least expensive way to you.
- All import duties, taxes or tariff's are the responsibility of the purchaser.