Adding items to your shopping cart
There are two ways that products are displayed for purchase. Some products will be listed individually in a table. Others, particularly where there a many different weights will be listed in a drop down box.
For table listed items simply click the “Buy” button and one will be added to your cart. You can also change the quantity of the items in the box to the left of the “Buy” button to any quantity you wish to purchase before clicking “Buy”. When you click “Buy” a brief “Adding to Cart” notice will be displayed.
For items listed in a drop down box, just open the drop down box, select the items desired, adjust the quantity if desired and click “Buy”. The item will be added to your cart.
Rapid Order Entry
If you know the stock numbers and quantities of the items you want to order, you can use Rapid Order Entry. Click on the Home Page tab. You will see the Rapid Order Entry box on the left side. Just enter the stock number and quantity and click “Add to Cart”. All the items will be added to the cart. If the stock number is invalid, you will be informed.
Viewing Your Cart
On the top upper right of the website, your shopping cart totals will always be displayed. Just click on “View Cart” to review, edit your order and check out. When you view your shopping cart, can continue to shop by either clicking a product tab or click the “continue shopping” link. You can also proceed to checkout.
Checking Out
When you have completed your shopping, click "View Cart" to review your items. If you do not have an account or have not logged in, select “Domestic Checkout” for US customers and “International Checkout” for all non-US orders. If you have previously created an account and are logged in, you will be automatically directed to the correct checkout. You do not have to create an account to checkout. You can always check out as a Guest.
If you have not logged in or do not have an account you will then be given the opportunity to login or create an account or checkout as a guest.
Next, the customer information page will be displayed where you complete your name, phone number and address information. When complete click continue.
The next page will offer you shipping and payment options. Also, you will have to indicate your export intent if a US order.
When all information is complete, click “Review Order”. A complete summary of your order will be displayed before submitting it. Please review it carefully or errors and correct then before continuing if necessary.
When your order is correct just click “Submit Order”. Your order is now entered into our system. You will also receive an email with a summary of your order.
Account Creation
If you want to be able to review your order history and see order progress and tracking information, you must create an account.
You are given the option to create an account during checkout. Doing so will speed your order process the next time you order. Creating an account is completely at your option. You can only create an account during checkout.
After you enter your customer information click on the create account link. You will be prompted to create a password. Be sure to create a strong password as it protects you personal information. Never give your password to anyone.
Account Login
If you have created an account you can login at anytime, but we suggest doing so at the beginning of your visit. You may also login at the beginning of checkout if you have previously created an account.
Account Maintenance
After logging in, you can click on the “My Account” link. There you can update and manage all information on your account, including your addresses, password and credit cards.
Order History
If you created and account, after logging in, you can click on the “My Account” link. There you will find links to order history. There is a link for the last 30 days history and long term history.
Additional Help
If you need additonal help or have trouble with the website, please contact us. Contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.