Semi-Auto Pistols
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CZ 75 Series Pistols
CZ 75, CZ 85, CZ 97 Early and "B" Series, including 88 series
ITM AT-84 and AT-88
Springfield P-9 Series
Baby Eagles (Jericho 941, Magnum Research and others)
Please see EAA for Witness Series Pistols and Tangoglio TA90 Pistols
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Recoil Springs
Fits Full Size Models Only
Recoil springs are available with load-rated specifications to tailor the recoil function to individual needs. Each load-rated recoil spring pak includes an extra power firing pin spring.
Rating Notes:
Standard Size Models
Factory Rating: 14 Lb. - 9mm, .45 ACP, Super .38 and 10mm
Factory Rating: 12 Lb. - .40 S&W all models except CZ
Factory Rating: 16 Lb. - .40 S&W - CZ Only
Factory Rating: 13 Lb. - CZ 97 .45 ACP
Recoil Calibration Paks
Reduced Power - Pak contains 1 each reduced power recoil springs in 9, 10, 11 and 12 pounds. Three extra power firing pin springs are also included for both EAA and other models. (Stock No. 13120)
Extra Power - Pak contains 1 each extra power recoil springs in 16, 18, 20 and 22 pounds. Three extra power firing pin springs are also included for both EAA and other models. (Stock No 13121)
Performance Pak 9mm - Pak contains 1 each 12 Lb. reduced power recoil spring, 16 Lb. extra power recoil spring, extra power firing pin spring and 17 Lb. reduced power hammer spring. (Stock No. 14100)
CZ75 B Models:
Reduced Power - Pak contains 1 each reduced pwoer recoil springs in 9, 10, 11, and 12 pounds. Three extra power firing pin springs are also included. (Stock No. 13124)
Extra Power - Pak contains 1 each extra power recoil springs in 16, 18, 20, and 22 pounds. Three extra power firing pin sprisngs are also included. (Stock No. 13125)
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
13120 | CZ75/AT84/P-9 , RP RECOIL CALIBRATION PAK | 29.99 | |
13121 | CZ75/AT84/P-9 , XP RECOIL CALIBRATION PAK | 29.99 | |
14100 | CZ75/AT84/P9, PERFORMANCE PAK | 14.99 |
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
13124 | CZ75-B Series, RP RECOIL CALIBRATION PAK | 29.99 | |
13125 | CZ75-B Series, XP RECOIL CALIBRATION PAK | 29.99 |

Recoil Spring - Compact Models
Compact Models, 9mm & .40 S&W
Note: Will not fit models with dual recoil spring systems
- Reduced Power...: 14 & 16 Lb.
- Factory Standard.: 17 Lb.
- Extra Power........: 18, 20 & 22 Lb.
Recoil Calibration Paks
Extra Power - Fits "B" Series Compact Models Only - Pak contains 1 each extra power power recoil springs in 18, 20, and 22 pounds, Three extra power firing pin springs are also included. (Stock No. 13131)
Extra Power - Fits Early Compact Models Only - Pak contains 1 each extra power recoil springs in 18, 20, and 22 pounds. Includes three extra power firing pin springs. (Stock No. 13130)
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
13131 | CZ75-B Series COMPACT XP RECOIL CALIB PAK | 22.49 | |

Recoil Spring - Long Slide Models
Rating Notes:
Longslide Models (LSP)
Factory Rating: 10 Lb. - 9mm
Factory Rating: 12 Lb. - .40 S&W
- Ratings Available: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, & 20 Lb.
Recoil Calibration Paks
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
13123 | CZ75/AT84/P-9 LONGSLIDE, XP RECOIL CALIB PAK | 29.99 |

Hammer Springs
Most of the CZ 75 type pistols (full size and compact) use the traditional hammer spring configuration with the hammer spring running down the back inside of the grip. EAA Witness and Tanfoglio pistols use a short hammer spring (about 1.25" long) which is mounted transversely in the frame and does not extend down the backstrap. Please be sure to check the type of hammer system your has.
For pistols with the short transverse hammer spring, please see EAA Witness.
For use in:
Standard (Full Size) & Longslide models - All cal's except .45
Reduced Power...: 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 Lb.
Factory Standard.: 20 Lb.
Extra Power........: 22, 24, & 26 Lb.
Hammer Springs - Compact Models
For use in:
Compact Models - All caliber's
Please Note: The CZ P01 and newer CZ compacts use the full size hammer springs above.
If you need additional help or information please click here to contact us.
- Reduced Power...: 16, 17 & 18 Lb.
- Factory Standard.: 19 Lb.
- Extra Power.........: None available
Hammer Spring Pak
Traditional configuration, standard (full size) & longslide models. This hammer spring pak contains 1 each of 16, 17, 18 and 19 pound reduced power hammer springs described above, allowing adjustment of the firearm to individual requirements.
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
26506 | CZ75/AT84/P9 9MM, RP HAMMER SPRING PAK | 11.99 |

Extractor Springs - Extra Power
Extra power extractor springs are available to correct extraction problems common in the CZ-75/85 series pistols - all calibers. Wolff springs are approximately 25% stronger than factory springs. Will also function in EAA Witness, Springfield P-9 and most CZ clone pistols.
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
32010 | CZ-75/85 XP EXTRACTOR SPRING Pak of 1 | 3.49 | |
32011 | CZ-75/85 XP EXTRACTOR SPRING Pak of 3 | 7.99 | |
32012 | CZ-75/85 XP EXTRACTOR SPRING Pak of 10 | 16.99 |

Magazine Springs
Magazine springs are available in +5% and +10% extra power. Extra power magazine springs help improve feeding with extra power recoil springs and when factory springs have weakened.
For use in:
CZ-75*, AT-84, TZ-75, P-9 - Standard (full size) & Longslides - All Caliber's Except 10mm
Including Full Size Baby Eagle with 4.4" barrel.
* Please Note: For the CZ75 only the +5% spring will be +10%
The +10% spring will be +15%
Magazine Springs - Compact Models
CZ-75, AT-84, TZ-75 and P-9 - Compact Models
Including Compact Baby Eagle with 3.5" barrel.
SKU | Description | Price($) | Add to cart |
75861 | CZ75/TZ75/P9 CPMCT, XP MAG SPRING +5% Pak of 1 | 8.99 | |
75863 | CZ75/TZ75/P9 CPMCT, XP MAG SPRING +5% Pak of 3 | 20.59 | |
75864 | CZ75/TZ75/P9 CPMCT, XP MAG SPRING +5% Pak of 10 | 58.99 |